

Robert Langenderfer, Ezzatollah Salari, Jared Oluoch


Vol 16, Jul-Dec, 2022

Date of Submission: 2022-07-20 Date of Acceptance: 2022-09-07 Date of Publication: 2022-09-14


Deep learning neural network techniques have been widely applied to medical radiological imaging diagnostics and have been proven to exceed the accuracy rates of highly trained radiologists. Numerous deep learning architectures have been applied to this task. Specifically, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been widely applied and have demonstrated excellent performance characteristics. More recently, Capsule Networks (Capsnet) have managed to improve on the already stellar performance of CNNs by overcoming some of their weaknesses, such as pose and image transformation sensitivity. However, modifications to the Capsule Network can improve performance characteristics even further. The originally proposed Capsule Network utilizes convolutional techniques typical of CNNs in the initial layers of the network. By replacing the convolutional layers with dense layers, the Dense Capsule Network (DCNET) preserves more of the spatial image information which improves the accuracy of the network. In this paper the DCNET is applied to the problem of diagnosing pneumonia in ChestX-ray14, which is a publicly available chest X-ray dataset, consisting of over 100,000 radiological chest images capturing 14 distinct diseases. Diagnostic performance of DCNET is compared to that of CNNs, Capsnet, as well as that of expert radiologists.


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