

Ahmed Abbas Naqvi


Vol 15, Jan-Jun, 2022

Date of Submission: 2022-01-21 Date of Acceptance: 2022-02-25 Date of Publication: 2022-03-08


Meta-verse is a brand-new application that makes use of several cutting-edge technologies. It is social, multi-technological, and hyper-spatiotemporal. In recent years, techniques for deep learning have made significant advancements. The nonlinear function optimization technique of particle swarms was introduced. Verifying the accuracy of PSO and deep learning for meta-verse trend analysis was a major objective of the proposed research. The proposed work's precision was compared to that of previous work in this study. The proposed work will replica relojes employ Meta-verse, Deep Learning, PSO, and Trending Analysis in a real-world scenario. The work that is being proposed offers a lot of flexibility and options. Wish you fake rolex find your UK best replica breitling watches online.
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