
Crafting Emotional Experiences: Data Mining-Driven Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Cultural and Creative Product Development

Hribhav Panchal


Vol 18, Jul-Dec, 2023

Date of Submission: 2023-07-05 Date of Acceptance: 2023-09-17 Date of Publication: 2023-09-24


Academics and businesses have been paying more and more attention to the emotional requirements of people as science, technology, and society have advanced. The market has also proposed new standards for the quick iteration of intelligent cultural and creative items simultaneously. The emotional design of innovative, artistic and creative things can give these products emotional qualities and provide customers with a lovely and enjoyable experience. Both domestically and internationally, there has been a great deal of research. This research investigates the data mining technology-based reinforcement learning algorithm of intelligent cultural and creative product creation. This essay will first direct the industrial design content in the information age, shortly focusing on convenience and comfort, summarising the findings of the study done by both domestic and international clever cultural and traditional industrial design produce original works, and use these research materials as inspiration make use of examples, research the components of intelligent artistic and imaginative in terms of form, substance, and colour, and analyse the factors that affect the connected elements, and then examine the three as a sophisticated cultural and creative system. Aspects of intelligent, creative, and cross-cultural contact, interactive behaviour, interactive material, and design of interactions. Second, develop and use the emergence of cultural intelligence and creativity depending on design components for appearance, From the perspectives of ergonomics and product aesthetics, analyse and research intelligent cultural and creative practises, design corresponding conceptual sketches, screen model and render to obtain plans, evaluate complementary design scheme, and complete the physical construction of the project. The interaction technique and interaction content in this intelligent cultural and creative solution are designed, and an easy-to-use application product is designed based on the design above aspects, all by the development trend of interaction design in the future. According to experiments, more than 90% of users are satisfied with intelligent cultural and creative items created by algorithms.


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