

Smriti Narang


Vol 15, Jan-Jun, 2022

Date of Submission: 2022-01-15 Date of Acceptance: 2022-03-10 Date of Publication: 2022-04-09


In the present day and age, where tremendous amounts of text-based information are produced consistently, keeping ourselves side by side with new data has become troublesome. Reports in the monetary area recount a quantitative story. On the other hand, the subjective or language content that goes with fiscal reports is a fundamental part of the data set utilized by monetary market members for checking and stewardship. This requires the advancement of proficient innovative strategies for utilizing the presence of these monstrous sums of literary information. Perusing monetary reports like yearly reports is incredibly tedious, and consequently, organizations need to distribute valuable human resources to comprehend, examine, and understand these reports. Accordingly, programmed outline strategies can simplify this assignment by empowering admittance to a more modest yet instructive part of the guaranteed record. In this work, a framework using NLP methods for summing up monetary logs in light of questions given by the client is introduced. This framework conquers the difficulties presented by existing segment-based outline models. As AI strategies have been demonstrated to be compelling on downstream errands, for example, text outline. This work aims to exploit these techniques for clear extractive review and create human-like synopses. The proposed model classifies phrases according to their pertinence by utilizing the strength of solo grouping approaches, and it gets a ROUGE-1 score of 46%.


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