



Vol. 9, Jan-Jun, 2019

Date of Submission: 2019-02-17 Date of Acceptance: 2019-04-23 Date of Publication: 2019-05-03


This paper proposes the utilization of sentiment analysis classification as a valuable approach for analyzing textual data sourced from various internet resources. Sentiment analysis, a data mining method employing machine learning techniques, offers insights into the opinions, reviews, feedback, and suggestions available online. Given the vast array of user opinions, it is imperative to uncover, analyze, and synthesize these viewpoints for informed decision-making. Sentiment analysis provides real-time, efficient feedback from consumers, significantly impacting the decision-making process in the business domain. Over the past decade, there has been a notable increase in research activity and emphasis on exploratory research methodologies. However, we observe certain gaps in Business Intelligence research methodologies, as well as identify areas that warrant further investigation.


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