

Dr S R Boselin Prabhu, Dr E Gajendran


Vol. 3, Jan-Jun, 2016

Date of Submission: 2016-01-30 Date of Acceptance: 2016-02-27 Date of Publication: 2016-03-05


Provided suitable sensors the system can detect identify and classify threads based on the count, number, type weather it is armored vehicles or men in foot, type and amount of weapons they carry, etc., can be detected in advance. This system provides reliable real time war picture and better situational awareness. This will further help to improve the troop readiness and decrease the reaction time. Added using the data collected tactical planning for deploying troops effectively can be done. In case of civil applications economic zones like oil fields, gold mines, can be protected from intruders and attackers. Industrial complex and production facility can be protected with minimized man power and improved efficiency. Basic criteria are which had to be taken into account while deploying wireless sensors for such applications has been discussed. Particularly locating the intruder with respect to the distance from the sensor node to the target in terms of latitude and longitudinal coordinates are discussed here.


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