
Cloud Sentry: Innovations in Advanced Threat Detection for Comprehensive Cloud Security Management

Subash Banala


Vol 17, Jan-Jun, 2023

Date of Submission: 2023-01-29 Date of Acceptance: 2023-02-19 Date of Publication: 2023-04-02


Cloud services are renowned for their touted benefits, such as seamless resource access, scalability, and elasticity. However, they also face significant challenges from various threats at both infrastructure and application levels, with application-layer distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks posing challenging problems to counter. These attacks typically overwhelm targeted servers, causing performance degradation and service unavailability by exhausting available resources. While some existing solutions like intrusion detection and protection can mitigate specific attacks, evolving application-layer DDoS attacks often find ways to evade these defences. In response, this paper introduces SENTRY, a novel and efficient methodology designed to combat application-layer DDoS attacks. SENTRY employs a challenge-response strategy that (a) assesses attackers' physical bandwidth resources, (b) dynamically adjusts to varying workload conditions, and (c) blocks suspicious service requests from potentially malicious clients.


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