
Urban Land Cover Classification Algorithms and Simulation

Rishik Gannavarapu


Vol 20, Issue 1, Jul-Dec, 2024

Date of Submission: 2024-06-21 Date of Acceptance: 2024-07-31 Date of Publication: 2024-08-27


This study uses the UCI urban land cover dataset to propose a unique integrated discriminant model. Computers are used in remote sensing image classification to process features and classify models of images captured by satellite remote sensing. Current research primarily focuses on feature extraction from images and model training to accomplish feature-based classification for accurate land type classification. This study suggests a novel approach for the latter by training each set of data taken from the many coarser scales of the original image using the supervised machine learning algorithms Random Forest, SVM, Naïve Bayes, and KNN. The prediction accuracy of the algorithms is then compared. The model at that scale is the algorithm that works best with the matching scale data. Lastly, the ultimate result is obtained by weighing the predictions made by each model. Tests have demonstrated that the model outperforms current techniques on every scale.


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