
Advances in Low-Cost Defluoridation Techniques for Safe Drinking Water with respect to Innovations and Plant-Based Adsorbents

Dr. Rajesh Verma, Naveena Yadav


Vol 20, Issue 1, Jul-Dec, 2024

Date of Submission: 2024-07-27 Date of Acceptance: 2024-09-20 Date of Publication: 2024-09-28


Fluoride contamination in drinking water is a global health concern, particularly in rural and low-income communities, where high fluoride levels lead to dental and skeletal fluorosis, and potentially neurological and endocrine disorders. This paper reviews recent advancements in low-cost defluoridation methods that offer sustainable solutions for fluoride removal, particularly in resource-limited regions. It explores natural adsorbents such as biochar, clay, and plant-based materials like Moringa oleifera and coconut shells, which have shown promising results in reducing fluoride concentrations. Additionally, nanotechnology-based solutions, including nano-hydroxyapatite and modified zeolites, as well as membrane filtration techniques like reverse osmosis and forward osmosis, are discussed for their potential in enhancing defluoridation while remaining cost-effective. The paper further examines field applications and case studies from countries such as India, Kenya, and Bangladesh, highlighting the effectiveness of these low-cost technologies in real-world settings. Despite their promise, the paper acknowledges several challenges, including technical issues such as filter clogging and reduced efficiency, socio-economic barriers like affordability and cultural acceptance, and environmental concerns related to the disposal of used defluoridation materials. The study emphasizes the importance of continued innovation, community involvement, and the support of governmental and non-governmental organizations to overcome these barriers and ensure the widespread adoption of these technologies. By addressing fluoride contamination effectively and affordably, these methods can significantly improve public health in affected communities, ensuring access to safe drinking water for millions globally.


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