
Seeing Through Machines: Leveraging AI for Enhanced and Automated Data Storytelling

Swathi Chundru


Vol 18, Jul-Dec, 2023

Date of Submission: 2023-07-29 Date of Acceptance: 2023-09-27 Date of Publication: 2023-10-21


The capacity to convert intricate datasets into engaging stories has grown in significance in the big data era. Data storytelling presents data insights in an understandable, captivating, and useful way by fusing narrative techniques with data visualization. Nevertheless, the laborious manual procedures that are commonly employed in data storytelling are frequently constrained by human cognitive capacities. The transformational potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve and automate data storytelling is examined in this research article. Artificial intelligence (AI) can automate the extraction of insights, recognize patterns, and provide narratives that are accurate and insightful by integrating cutting-edge machine learning algorithms with natural language processing. This work explores the approaches used in AI-driven data storytelling, evaluates case examples from a range of sectors, and talks about the difficulties and moral issues raised by this developing discipline. According to the research, AI has the power to completely transform data storytelling and increase its effectiveness, scalability, and impact.


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