

Dadmehr Rahbari


Vol. 1, Jan-Jun, 2015

Date of Submission: 2015-01-10 Date of Acceptance: 2015-02-02 Date of Publication: 2015-02-15


Image watermarking based applications have been developed. Some examples of applications of digital watermarking is to protect property rights, verify content, copy control and usage control, describes the content of the secret data from the possibility of tracking, covert communications and data encryption. Wavelet analysis is a relatively new and exciting achievement of pure mathematics is based on decades of research in harmonic analysis. In addition to facilitating properties of the wavelet transform may vary depending upon the application of orthogonal basis functions are not available. In these cases you can use the two orthogonal. Genetic algorithm to simultaneously consider multiple points of the search space and thus increases the chances that converge to a local maximum, decreases. In Particle Swarm Optimization, Randomly in space group of birds are looking for food. There is only one piece of food in space are discussed. Birds do not know any of the food. One of these strategies can better track the bird is the minimum distance to be food. This strategy is the element algorithm. In This paper is introduced optimization method by Read the input image and its possible conversion to gray levels, the wavelet decomposition of the input image, smoked illustrations of effective bits. In Result section is showed the performance of proposed method by PSNR parameters and the error rate measures the amount of data hidden in the picture.


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