

Prem Kumar Dara, KetemaTilahun Gelaye, Jemberu Alemu Megenase


Vol 7, Jan-Jun, 2018

Date of Submission: 2017-11-20 Date of Acceptance: 2017-12-28 Date of Publication: 2018-01-05


Biogas is a gas produced by the breakdown of organic matter. It contains methane (50-75%), carbon dioxide (25-50%), hydrogen (0-2%), ammonia, hydrogen sulphide (0-3%) and some traces of other gases along with water vapor. There are four major stages in the production of biogas from degradable organic material which include hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis. This paper provides the fundamental procedure of formation of biogas and the factors affecting biogas production from biomass.


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